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Weekly Wisdom #10

I am not sure about you, but when I was a little girl growing up, I dreamed of getting married and having children, having a house and my own car. And I wanted this by the age of 30. That was a big vision and a big dream and I believe that because I focused on it so much that it helped me to achieve it. Focusing on my life which I'm sure many of you did too, in terms of walking down the aisle and having a beautiful, dreamy wedding brought it to life.

So what is your vision? I am sure many of you have children, perhaps some of them are very young. Are you trying to balance life, work, and income, around your family while running your home and perhaps also caring/spending time with extended family? So in the midst of all that, there is the bigger picture in terms of your vision, business and where you want it to go.

🙂 Have you got this written down? 🙂 Do you have your goals clear in your mind? 🙂 Have you identified what matters in your life and within your business? 🙂 Have you got something that you're working towards? 🙂 If not, now would be a good time to do it!

I was so clear on my vision and plan when I was younger, that it was really easy to focus on achieving that: having a job having a house and getting married. And now it's almost like the world is my oyster and I've achieved those massive goals in my life. Now my main goal is to be healthy and happy with my family and to continue my business where I am helping others grow their businesses. I thrive on seeing business owners flourish. I'm passionate about helping people to be happy in their work and life.

So what do you want to achieve? Please share your vision and your goals with me. I would love to know about them.


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